A case study on The Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) plays a vital role in protecting the health and well-being of everyone in England, ensuring over 45,000 health and social care services — from hospitals to general practitioners — provide high-quality care.

Legacy IT systems were unable to support CQC’s ambitions, and transformation was needed in order to create a smarter digital experience for both the wider public and care providers.

CQC chose to work with KPMG in the UK to achieve their vision of a new technology-focused, cloud-powered integrated platform with KPMG Powered Enterprise Marketing, Sales and Service enabled by Microsoft Dynamics 365. By employing a more data-driven model, CQC is becoming an insight-driven organization able to generate up-to-date information for providers and the public alike.

CQC’s entire technology landscape is being modernized, from the planning and preparation stage all the way through to inspections and the publishing of a new ratings product. Care providers can now register much more easily, and CQC has a real-time view of the quality of care to help increase business agility and improve evidence-based decisions.

It also means a significant administrative reduction for inspectors, who are being enabled to spend more time on services thanks to a front-end app designed to facilitate the onsite and remote completion of assessments quickly and easily.

Watch the full interview to find out more.

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